1. Female Body Image in Contemporary Art : dieting, eating disorders, self-harm, and fatness
Author: Emily L Newman
Library: (Library of Islamic Studies For Women and Family (Tehran (Tehran)
Subject: Women in art ***** Feminist art criticism ***** Art, Modern > 21st century > Themes, motives ***** Body image in art ***** Women artists > History > 21st century *****
Classification :

2. Female body image in contemporary art :
Author: Emily L. Newman.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Art and society.,Art-- History.,Art, Modern-- 21st century.,Body image.,Eating disorders.,Feminism and art-- History.,Gender identity-- Study and teaching.,Human body-- Social aspects.,Photography.,Social policy.,Sociology.,Women artists.,Women.,Women's studies.,Art and society.,ART-- Performance.,ART-- Reference.,Art, Modern.,Art.,Body image.,Eating disorders.,Feminism and art.,Human body-- Social aspects.,Photography.,Social policy.,Sociology.,Women artists.,Women.,Women's studies.
Classification :

3. Social Threat Reactivity and Alcohol Drinking in Socially Stressed Female Mice:
Author: Newman, Emily L.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Central medial thalamus,Corticotropin releasing factor,Female aggression,Female chronic social defeat stress,Optogenetics,Posttraumatic stress disorder